SPARKS Grants allow local groups to use innovative methods to spark a change that will improve the lives of people with developmental disabilities in their community. BPDD awards multiple SPARKS Grants annually. Individuals with disabilities and family members may apply for the grants.
People First Wisconsin
The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities works in partnership with People First Wisconsin to strengthen and support a statewide Self- Advocacy Organizations led by people with intellectual disabilities. Wi-BPDD supports the mission of People First Wisconsin to provide opportunities for people with disabilities in Wisconsin to speak up and be heard on issues that support them to be more included in community life.
Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition
The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition (WDVC) is a non-partisan effort to increase voting turnout and participation in the electoral process among members of Wisconsin’s disability community. The WDVC website features videos and other resources designed to help people with disabilities vote.
Wisconsin Partners in Policymaking
Wisconsin Partners in Policymaking is a six-session, advocacy and systems change training program designed to develop a group of seasoned leaders across the state who are able to work on policies and initiatives that will support the full participation and inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of life.
Wisconsin Youth Leadership Forum
The Wisconsin Youth Leadership Forum (YLF) is a week-long leadership training and career awareness program for high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors with disabilities. Each summer, approximately 25 students with disabilities participate in YLF.