Throughout the years BPDD along with our partners, grantees and participants in our various projects have created so many informative videos! We wanted to put as many of them as possible in one place. If you are looking for recorded sessions from a conference you can find those in a playlist at our YouTube page which is linked by the button below. The Living Well Wednesday videos can also be found by following the button below.
The following videos are the employment stories of several youth who participated in the pilot sites for the Let’s Get to Work project.
Employment First is designed to improve the working lives of people with disabilities and our state’s economy. By creating policies and practices that increase the number of people with disabilities being employed in the community at minimum wage or higher, businesses can find the talent they need to meet their workforce needs.
The Going to Work Video Series was developed with a BPDD Sparks grant. The videos are of a variety of self-advocates talking about their employment experiences ranging from disclosing your disability to interviewing to asking for accommodations on the job. Includes practical advice for any person with a disability interested in working.