August 13th Fall Partisan Primary Election

November 5th Fall General Election

The August and November elections are coming quickly. Be ready to vote by checking out our Make Your Plan to Vote fact sheet. This fact sheet informs you about registration, absentee voting, where to find non-partisan candidate information, photo ID requirements, and more.

There will be two constitutional amendments on the ballot for every Wisconsin voter this August. A constitutional amendment is a change to the constitution. It is an addition or alteration to the constitution. You will have the option to vote “yes” or “no” for these amendments. This is a big deal and should be thought about carefully.

In Wisconsin, a constitutional amendment must pass the Legislature in two consecutive sessions and be approved by voters in a statewide election before it is officially added to the state Constitution. If the two constitutional amendments are approved in August, they would then be added to the Constitution.

You can find more information on what these amendments would change by clicking the buttons below.