What is Social Distancing?
Social distancing means staying away from places where many people might gather like a movie theater, church, grocery stores when crowded, concerts, large family gatherings – any place where many people might be. It means keeping space between you and others in most places you go. This could be at work, the grocery store, or the doctor. Think about standing at least 6 feet away from other people which is about the length of a person. This also means not visiting family and friends, not going to work, not going to church, not going to day services, not going to school, and not going to places in the community.
During this time, you may be wondering how to see my friends or family, my care manager or IRIS consultant, my co-workers-all the people you see every day. The good thing is there are many ways to connect with other people. People can connect on their phones, computers, IPADS, smart phones. There are many services being offered free now for people who can’t leave their houses.
As of 03/24/2020, the Governor of Wisconsin has issued a Safer at Home directive. This means that you should not go into the community unless you need to pick up essential supplies like groceries or medications.
Ways to Stay Connected
- Schedule regular phone, chat, facetime, Zoom or Skype dates to connect with people in your life.
- Here is a video on how to download Skype to your computer:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb31wbnoz_c
- Schedule a meal or activity together with a friend using face time, Skype or video calling.
- If you and a friend have a Netflix subscription you can watch a movie together on a new technology called Netflix Party.
- Learn more about Netflix Party here: https://www.netflixparty.com/
- Don’t let coronavirus be the only thing you talk about with family and friends.
- Take time to laugh, share stories, and focus on other things going on in our lives
Here are other things you can do!
- Keep Doing the Things You Do: Create a schedule and try and stick to your regular sleep, school, meal, or work schedule. This might not be possible so fill your schedule with new ideas listed below.
- Do things you enjoy or try something new: Read a good book, watch a comedy, play a fun board or video game. Make cookies, do a craft.
- Get outside: Take a walk around in your neighborhood. This can make you feel better. Find a path near your house to walk in nature. Take your dog for a walk. But, remember to keep space between other people.
- Find ways to exercise. Try a new exercise at home. There are lots of videos and fitness apps available for free online to teach you new exercises.
- Try new ways to relax: Try deep breathing, meditation, and yoga. Set aside time every day to relax.
Activities to Try
- Create a daily schedule to keep yourself in a routine: Daily Schedule Template: Schedule
- Find out if your service providers offering virtual services. Ask your service provider, care manager, IRIS consultant or vocational rehabilitation counselor for more information.
- Take time to relax and meditate- https://www.calm.com/
- Exercise or do Yoga: https://yogawithadriene.com/ or youtube.com/user/BodyFitByAmy
- Learn about voting: https://disabilityvote.org/videos/
- Develop your employment plan using the Self-Directed Employment Planning Modules incontrolwi.org/self-directed-employment-planning/
- Check out and connect on the Self Determination Network: http://sdnetworkwi.org/
- Watch 10 popular short films, featuring people with intellectual and developmental disabilities http://sproutflix.org/virtual-sprout-film-festival/
- Find free, daily art lessons for children and adults – Wild, Free, and Crafty Art Lessons: com/c/wildfreeandcrafty
- Take virtual Museum Visits- https://artsandculture.google.com/project/streetviews
- Use social media to visit the Milwaukee Zoo virtually – http://www.zooview.tv/
- Take a nature hike: https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Parks/activities/hike.html
- Watch a free concerts online- https://miss604.com/2020/03/free-concerts-to-watch-at-home-during-covid-19-distancing.html
- Find out if your library has pick up services – https://dpi.wi.gov/pld/directories/systems
- Set up a Netflix Party- https://www.netflixparty.com/
- Connect with family and friends using Skype- https://www.skype.com/en/
- Sign up for LOV Inc. email alerts to connect to their online classes: https://lovdane.org/who-we-are/emailsignup/
- Develop a Future Plan with your family or support network using tools developed by The Arc: https://futureplanning.thearc.org/
- Disability Rights Wisconsin can answer your questions about voting including absentee voting and voter registration. For assistance, email info@disabilityvote.org or contact the Disability Rights Wisconsin Voter Hotline at 1-844-347-8683 and leave a message and someone will call you back. Check out the Disability Vote Coalition website – www.disabilityvote.org
Ways to Share Ideas with Others
People are learning new ways to stay busy, productive, and connected every day! We want to hear about the things you are finding or the creative ways you are connecting with others. We want to share more of what you are finding on our social media!
You can share your ideas with us on:
On Facebook: Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities
Share what you are doing in the comments on our page or tag us in the photos or stories on your pages!
On Twitter: @wibpdd
Tag us in cool and accessible things you see on Twitter!
On Instagram: @WIBPDD
Share what you are doing in the comments on our posts or tag us in the photos or stories on your pages. Answer the questions you see in our Instagram Stories!
On YouTube: Self- Determination Channel
Share what you are doing in the comments on our videos!